Duct winding machines for manufacturing flexible ducts for air-conditioning & ventilation technology

Duct winding machines for manufacturing flexible ducts for flue & chimney technology

Duct winding machines for manufacturing small diameter flexible ducts

Duct winding machines for manufacturing rigid folded spiral ducts made of steel & stainless steel

Pre-corrugated strip material made of aluminium, stainless steel, other

HAFLEX · The specialist for duct winding machines

HAFLEX products for companies
in the fields of ventilation & flue technology

Flexible metallic ducts made of aluminium and steel in DN 38–70 mm

Flexible metal ducts with small diameters (DN 38–70 mm) made of aluminium, stainless steel and galvanised steel are used for numerous technical applications, e.g. for flue gas hoses for stand heaters, for flue gas hoses for emergency power generators, for ventilation and air-conditioning systems in Asia, etc.


You can now manufacture these metallic flexible ducts yourself with the HAFLEX HSW 992A40 duct winding machine. Flexible ducts made with HAFLEX duct winding machines lead the way in terms of technology and quality and set the standard in markets worldwide.


Manufacturing metal flexible ducts with the HAFLEX HSW 992A40 duct winding machine is extremely fast and economical because it uses precisely pre-profiled HAFLEX metal strips. Furthermore, different diameters and ducts made of different materials can be produced on the same machine with just quick strip or tool change. It only takes a few minutes to change the strip type and the tools. This makes producing flexible ducts economical even for small companies.

Mechanical engineering “Made in Germany”

Simple manufacturing of flexible and rigid metallic ducts

Machines for small diameter flexible ducts

HSW 992A40 duct winding machine especially for small diameters

+ Produce flexible ducts with diameters 38–70 mm

+ Hoses made of aluminium, stainless steel, galvanised steel

+ Highly flexible